This series consists of correspondence, directives, newspaper clippings, organizational charts, and monthly status reports. Status reports came from the Army Security Agency, and from Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Intelligence subgroups on collection, training, intelligence, and security. Some directives from the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC) are also included.
Much correspondence originated with the British Joint Staff (Services) Mission or the British War Office, and was directed to U.S. Major General Clayton L. Bissell, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2. Subjects of this correspondence include Chinese, German, Soviet, and Japanese military capabilities; and later, North Korean and Saudi Arabian military assessments; also, the sensitive issues of American intelligence sharing with the British, French, and Australian governments. A 1949 study of the security situation in Australia, by Sir Frederick Shedden, and U.S. Army and Navy memorandums on the 1944 Dumbarton Oaks Conference, are also included.
A "Study of Joint Organizations for the Production of Communications Intelligence and for Security of U.S. Military Communications," dated December 27, 1948, is included, with related correspondence from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Chief of Naval Operations Louis E. Denfield, and from Secretary of Defense James Forrestal. A 1949 report, entitled "Security Compromise," discusses wartime biological weapons research at Camp Detrick, Maryland. A 1949 report to the National Security Council, "The Central Intelligence Agency and National Organization for Intelligence," is included, with CIA assessments of Soviet nuclear weapons potential, and of the long range detection of atomic explosions.
Two 1950 reports evaluated possible world reactions to U.S. use of atomic weapons in the Korean conflict, and the possible effects of an atomic explosion in southeastern California and Nevada.
A few records are in the German, Polish, or Russian languages. The records were maintained by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Intelligence, and its predecessors.